
内盘期货 (21) 2024-04-24 14:44:24









买期货被平仓是期货市场中常见的现象之一,投资者需要了解平仓的含义和原因,以及避免被迫平仓的方法。通过加强风险管理、合理规划交易策略,投资者可以有效避免被平仓的风险,提高交易的成功率。在期货市场中,平仓是一个常见而重要的操作,投资者应该加强相关知识的学习,以提升交易技能和风险控制能力。Investing in futures being closed out means that investors hold long positions (purchase contracts) on the futures market and are forced to close out their positions due to insufficient funds or contract expiration. Closing a position refers to investors selling or buying the positions (ie, buying futures contracts) they hold to end the current transaction. In the futures market, closing out is one of the important concepts that investors must understand.

Reasons for closing out in the futures market

In the futures market, investors need to pay a certain amount of margin as a trading guarantee when trading. If the margin in the investor's account is not enough to maintain the current position, or the contract expires, the exchange will issue a forced liquidation notice, requiring investors to force liquidate to avoid risks. Buying futures being closed out is one of these situations. Investors have insufficient funds when holding long positions, and are forced to close out by the exchange.

Impact of forced liquidation on investors

Buying futures being closed out will cause a certain degree of loss to investors. The first is that being forced to close out may cause investors to miss profit opportunities. If the contract being forced out is higher than the purchase price, investors will lose part of the profit. Secondly, liquidation may occur at a time when market prices fluctuate significantly, which can force investors to accept unfavorable prices, resulting in losses.

Methods to avoid buying futures being closed out

To avoid buying futures being closed out, investors can take some measures to mitigate risks. First, pay attention to the account fund situation in a timely manner to ensure that there is enough margin in the account to maintain the position. The second is to set stop-loss orders so that when prices have unfavorable fluctuations, investors can stop losses in time to reduce the risk of loss. In addition, investors can also reasonably allocate funds, avoid excessive leverage trading to reduce the possibility of forced liquidation.


Buying futures being closed out is a common phenomenon in the futures market, and investors need to understand the meaning and reasons for liquidation, as well as methods to avoid forced liquidation. By strengthening risk management and planning trading strategies reasonably, investors can effectively avoid the risk of liquidation and improve the success rate of trading. In the futures market, closing out is a common and important operation, and investors should strengthen the learning of relevant knowledge to enhance trading skills and risk control capabilities.





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